Monday, 30 July 2007


Filming on my short animation entry is now complete so all that is left to do is to create or find some music to use and then edit it all together. Hopefully that wont take too long.

Thursday, 26 July 2007

edWard - Young Filmmaker's Award and Cosgrove Hall.

Earlier this month I made the decision to enter the edWard young filmmaker's award competition. The brief is to produce a piece that lasts no longer than 30 seconds on the theme of love.
I've started filming now and I'm making it using cut-out. The deadline that entries must be received by is 21st August. I don't think I have a winning entry but I thought it would be good to enter anyway just to see how these things go.

I have written an offline report on my day at Cosgrove Hall. I unfortunately didn't ask all of the questions I should have while I was there. I have emailed Chris with some questions but I haven't received a reply and that was over a week ago now. I think I shall have to email him again to give him a nudge.