The university visit to Annecy has now been and gone. It took place from Saturday the 9th until Sunday the 17th of June. It was a thoroughly enjoyable and worthwhile visit dispite the hot temperatures.
The first animation I saw at the festival was a French stop-motion film entitled Max & Co. The models had been created by English company Mackinnon and Saunders. The film has stuck in my mind ever since I saw it. I would highly recommend it to anybody.
I saw 2 films everyday of the event apart from Thursday when I went down to MIFA and viewed the stalls of software vendors and the business stalls of animation companies. It felt a little bit surreal seeing all of the companies trying to sell their animations.
Ryan and myself were called over to one stall where we were told about a scheme in France where they will provide up to 45,000 Euros to produce a stop-motion or CGI animation. Both Ryan and myself exchanged details with the man. Unfortunately I don't have the details at hand to say who it was but I shall be writing a full account of the events that took place in Annecy at a later date.
This fuller account wont appear here on this electronic PDP though as I plan it to be a physical work on paper.