Finally today I recieved a reply from Chris Bowden (after further contact) answering the questions I emailed him just over a month ago. Here is what it said:
Dear Alastair,
Sorry your note has been neglected but things here have been rather busy with evening and weekends both taken up with our shows. I’ve answered as best I can below.
1. Have you got any advice for any future work I do?
Focus on what you want a piece of work to do for you. if you want to show that you’re an animator, make sure the character animation is great. If you want to be a director, show that the pace style, composition and ideas are solid. Usually simple well told stories are best.
2. What do you look for in showreels?
In animation reels we look for thought. Thought about the character and the what’s going on its head. Often we don’t look for smooth slick animation (though that’s bonus) because in most cases that comes with day in day out practice.
3.What job opertunities are there at Cosgrove Hall?
It depends how busy the studios are. We have periodically run training courses to get animators new to a standard where they can begin work in the studio but at present there are quite a few animators around and we have no need to train new ones at present. Of course that could all change very quickly if a new project comes in.
4. Do you have any briefs/mock briefs that I could work on as part of my final year?
Not really. I have been asked this before and we don’t really have anything that could constitute a meaningful brief for a project.
I feel the answers to questions 1 and 2 will be quite useful to know.