Monday, 3 December 2007

Animate! TV

Last night, at midnight, I watched Animate! TV on channel 4. The programme lasted for an hour and showed 6 films/animations.

Magnetic Movie by Semiconductor
In this film, footage of science labs had been worked on to visualise the magnetic fields and static of objects in the scenes.

The Life Size Zoetrope byMark Simon Hewis
A film made on a fairground ride with people holding open sketch books which animate when the ride runs.

End Of The Street by Andy Martin
A poem about the wind passing through the houses of a street as it steadily raises through the Beaufort Wind Scale until it ultimately destroys a house at the end.

Flat Earth by Thomson and Craighead
This whole piece was created with visuals and scripts made from blogs found on the internet. A location is shown as a blog is read out.

'Francis' by Let Me Feel Your Finger First
A short animation describing the behaviour of a cartoon character as its own being.

Tongue Of The Hidden by David Alexander Anderson
All of the characters and environments are created from the letters and words of the Iranian poem which is being animated.

More details about these films can be found here> Animate!TV